HyperTRANSCRIBE 影音應用軟體
HyperTRANSCRIBE是一個多媒體文件文字自動顯示工具,可以將影像和聲音中說的文字自動顯示出來。它使用方便,支持鍵盤操作,支援蘋果的Mac OS X和微軟Windows,可以支援包括MP3、WAV、MPEG、MOV在內的多種格式的聲音和影像檔
HyperTRANSCRIBE lets you transcribe nearly any audio or video file, quickly and easily. With keyboard shortcuts that keep your fingers close to the "home row" you can transcribe on any Windows or Mac OS computer without needing a cumbersome footpedal.
You can create many shortcuts and enter blocks of text in a single keystroke. Media can be played in segments of definable length, with looping and other options to help your transcribing.
Here are some key features of "HyperTRANSCRIBE":
· Plays most common audio and video files, including MP3, WAV, MPEG, MOV, and many more.
· Convenient keyboard commands give you total control over media playback without leaving the "home row".
· Customizable shortcuts let you insert any text in one move.