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CANOCO 生態排序分析軟體

Research & Analysis Software

TEL: 02-2597-1006


CANOCO 5 生態排序分析軟體

Canoco for Windows是新一代的CANOCO軟體,是生態學應用軟體中用於約束與非約束排序的最流行工具。Canoco for Windows整合了排序以及回歸和排列方法學,以便得到健全的生態數據統計模型。Canoco for Windows包括線性和曲線單峰方法.使用Canoco for Windows進行排序,能夠洞察:

    * 生物群落的結構
    * 植物與動物群落以及它們的環境之間的聯繫
    * 一個對環境和(或)其生物群落的假設衝擊所能造成的影響
    * 在生物群落上進行的複雜生態學和生態毒理學實驗的相關處理所能造成的影響

Canoco is one of the most popular programs for multivariate statistical analysis using ordination methods in the field of ecology and several related fields. User's Guides of the recent Canoco versions (4.0, 4.5 and 5.0) were cited more than 9200 times in the past 18 years (1999-2017, ISI Web of Knowledge).

Canoco 5 is the latest, much re-worked version of the Canoco software, released in October 2012. This site offers you an access to additional resources for the effective use of the software, as well a brief overview of Canoco 5 new features. Use the menu at the right side of this page to access these resources.

For information about purchasing software licenses (including upgrades from version 4.5) or to obtain a trial version, please contact the Canoco distributor . Additional information can be found at the Canoco web site.

Check the book about the use of multivariate methods with Canoco 5!