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Hydrology Software

TEL: 02-2597-1006


GMS 水文環境軟體

地下水資源和地下水污染模擬軟體。是美國地質調查局和環保局批准的環境模擬軟體。 GMS 是可利用的最複雜的和最包羅萬象的地下水模型軟體! 在美國政府機關,私人公司和超過90個國家以上的國際性組織,都已有用了成千上萬的用 戶在使用GMS,它已經被證明是十分有效的和令人興奮的模型系統。 GMS 每狀態地下水模擬提供包括位置描述,模型發展,口徑測定,後處理和可視化的工具。
GMS Software is the most sophisticated groundwater modeling environment software available today. GMS is used at hundreds of US government sites. GMS is also used at a large and rapidly growing number of private and international sites. The GMS Software (Groundwater Modeling System) is a comprehensive package which provides tools for every phase of a groundwater simulation including site characterization, model development, postprocessing, calibration, and visualization. GMS is the only system which supports TINs, solids, borehole data, 2D and 3D geostatistics, and both finite element and finite difference models in 2D and 3D. Currently supported models include MODFLOW, MODPATH, MT3D, RT3D, FEMWATER, SEEP2D, SEAM3D, PEST, UCODE and UTCHEM. Due to the modular nature of GMS, a custom version of GMS with desired modules and interfaces can be configured. SSG has the lowest prices for GMS on the market today. Technical support is provided directly from the developer. We believe this is the best support available.
  • Imports/exports raster and vector GIS data from ARC/INFO, ArcView, and GRASS.
  • A Model Checker is provided in GMS for each model to check for potential problems prior to saving and running a model.
  • All models can be launched from a GMS menu.
  • Latest versions of all analysis codes are provided including executable, source code, and documentation.
  • Time-series plots of computed values at selected points can be generated.
  • Data Calculator can be used to combine data sets using any mathematical expression to generate a new data set.
  • Highly-acclaimed technical documentation including an extensive reference manual and self-guided tutorials.
  • Images can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into other applications for report generation.
  • A simple set of drawing tools are provided for adding titles, arrows, and other annotations to a plot in GMS.
  • Imports/exports DXF files including AutoCAD R13 format.
  • Periodic free software updates are available over the Internet.
  • The GMS electronic mailing list can be used for questions and to share tips with hundreds of other GMS users.
  • GMS PC and UNIX versions are identical.