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Qualitative data analysis

TEL: 02-2597-1006


MAXQDA 質性資料分析軟體

如果您需要分析文本並對任意主題加以評價和流覽,MAXQDA將成為您最好的幫手。它的優點有很多,比如強大的編碼功能;直觀性;您可以直接在文本中書寫 批註或心得,存於專門的“備忘錄”中,十分方便以後的輕鬆查找和處理;您可以隨意創建資料間的簡單或複雜關聯並建立矩陣資料,在矩陣流覽器中直接閱讀和處 理這些資料,並可以以其他形式保存在MAXQDA以外的硬碟空間中等等。此外,在MAXQDA中使用和處理的資料可以為任意文本形式,如訪談對話,期刊文 章,病歷,觀察記錄,在標準化調查訪問中對開放性問題的回答以及更多。




MAXQDA是一個獨特的定性資料分析軟體程式,它允許使用者有系統地組織、評估和詮釋 文本以及多媒體資料。作為一個用於經典QDA和知識管理的強大工具,從1989年第一個版本發佈以來,MAXQDA就一直是世界各地的學術及研究機構、人和企業的選擇。




MAXQDA允許使用者編碼、分類、視覺化以及共用其系統評估和詮釋中從文本到訪談再到多媒體的各種資訊。結合簡單性和複雜性,MAXQDA保證了直觀的、人性化的操作,同時提供了廣泛的功能應用。簡單地導入您的檔—— PDF檔、視聽檔、訪談、表格或者RIS——然後開始編碼。從結構清晰的介面您能夠視覺化您所有的資料,管理您的檔,創建備忘錄、統計性表格和圖表、可視性輔助工具,以及更多。


高效、功能強大、直觀,MAXQDA提供了豐富的功能和高度發達的視覺化工具,並與MS OfficeInternet應用程式融合得渾然一體。優質的服務和高穩定性,例如在多種不同語言下的功能應用,是MAXQDA區分其它文本分析工具的獨到之處。

定性文本分析 - 基本 (MAXQDA Bace或更高版本)


先進的定性數據分析(MAXQDA Standard或更高版本)


定量文本分析(MAXQDA Plus或更高)


統計數據分析(MAXQDA Analytics Pro)



The clearly structured main screen of MAXQDA is divided into four main windows which reflect essential management work areas in the process of qualitative data analysis:

  • the complete data set (“Text groups” window),
  • the code- or category system (“Code system” window),
  • the single text, always directly accessible (“Text Browser” window), and
  • the field for performing basic and complex searches, theoretical concept verification (“Retrieved Segments” window).

All essential management functions are directly embedded in each respective window. Further functions and short cuts are accessible via the upper menu bar. The fully integrated add-on module for analysis of vocabulary and content MAXDictio, as well as the visual tool MAXMaps are also available in this menu.

MAXQDA distinguishes itself from other text analysis tools through its high efficiency and stability, its elaborate functionality and its user friendliness. The program’s simplicity does not, however, imply a lack of sophistication: MAXQDA proves that high technical standard and power can be combined with simple and intuitive use. This strength is in large part due to the following characteristics:

  • clear and neat program structure,
  • extensive and differentiated functions combined with a unique and highly-advanced visualization available for the processes of coding, memo-writing and browsing, and
  • seamless integration into the world of MS Office and MS Internet Explorer.

Overview of Pivotal MAXQDA Functions:

  • Work with manuscripts in rich text format (.rtf). Texts can be created and edited at any time and can be imported in rich text format (no need for pre-formatting).
  • Import texts from the Internet using “drag-and-drop”.
  • Create groups and organize textual material.
  • Build temporary analysis text sets for specific interpretations.
  • Create a hierarchical code (category) system with up to ten levels.
  • Select and code text segments and assign codes or sub-codes from the code system.
  • Define text units while coding.
  • Attach a weight score to text segments indicating their relevance to the research.
  • Select words or terms in the manuscript and insert them automatically into the code system (”in-vivo-coding”).
  • Search for words and strings or combinations of words and strings in the text or its subgroups.
  • Display search results as “keywords in context”.
  • Code search results automatically.
  • Keep track of ideas and hypotheses by writing memos.
  • Work with memos using the elaborated MAXQDA Memo Manager and search through them with the MAXQDA lexical search tool.
  • Attach special icons to the different types of memos (”theory memos”, “methodological memos”, etc.).
  • Print texts with codings on the edge of the text.
  • Link a memo to as many codes as you want to relate it to.
  • Define quantitative variables and use them in combination with texts and code words.
  • Export the table of variables to statistical programs or Excel.
  • Import a table of variables from Excel or SPSS.
  • Pre-code text segments, for example for the analysis of open-ended questions in questionnaires.
  • Work together in teams and use special teamwork functions.
  • Create a backup of a whole project or study and send it to colleagues via the Internet.
  • Merge projects, for instance in qualitative panel analysis.
  • Use a set of ten strongly improved and illustrated analytical functions for text retrieval (”near”, “surrounded by”, “followed by”, “at least”, etc.).
  • Get support from a detailed online handbook.
  • Use different coders in one project; codings can be faded out.
  • The Code Matrix and Code Relation Browser create an overview of the coding distribution and show overlaps: both allow direct access to the corresponding text segments.
  • Put text segments and memos back into context; assigned memos and text segments can be shown in their original context at any time.