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Mathematical Analysis

TEL: 02-2597-1006


Geometer's Sketchpad 數學軟體 (GSP)

動態幾何系統(THE GEOMETER'S SKETCHPAD)是在視窗環境內幾何構圖的電腦輔助教學軟體,可以當作尺規作圖的電腦版,當然這不是其全部功能。此套系統在教學上能節省繪圖時間,並 簡易地構造動態幾何。經由動態幾何圖形的變換及度量來描 述我們可以發現的一些幾何關係,有助於增強開放式的猜測與研究。動態幾何系統軟體,不僅可由簡易尺 規作圖構造出複雜幾何圖形,更可對固定結構圖形作連續的變化。它也提供動態模擬、圖形變換及圖形改換時,長度、角度、比例、面積等度量 的功能。它更可對結構性作圖作巨集建構、文字說明,形成簡易操作鈕,提供使用者幾何學習的良好環境。

The Geometer's Sketchpad is a dynamic construction, demonstration, and exploration tool that adds a powerful dimension to the study of mathematics. You and your students can use this software program to build and investigate mathematical models, objects, figures, diagrams, and graphs.

  • With Sketchpad™, you can give your students a tangible, visual way to explore and understand core concepts—from numbers and operations, algebraic thinking, and geometry and measurement in elementary and middle school to algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, and calculus in high school and college. Concepts that students frequently find difficult become very clear when they see visual representations on the screen and interact with them using Sketchpad.
  • Sketchpad has the flexibility to help you meet your teaching needs regardless of your subject matter, technological expertise, grade level, or curriculum. You can take advantage of our subject-specific, ready-to-use activity books and sample activities or create your own activities and demonstrations to differentiate learning for all students.
  • Sketchpad provides you with a faster, more dynamic and engaging way to demonstrate mathematical concepts than using transparencies or drawing on the board. Sketchpad works easily with your LCD projector, classroom computer, or SMART Board.
  • Sketchpad can help you quickly explore variables, relationships, and the mathematics of change with your students. When you construct objects in Sketchpad, you can drag points and lines with the mouse. As shapes and positions change, all mathematical relationships are preserved, allowing you and your students to examine an entire set of similar cases in a matter of seconds.
  • You can use Sketchpad across the mathematics curriculum, so you don’t need different software for each class, concept, or grade level that you teach.
  • Sketchpad’s friendly user interface allows you and your students to get quickly up to speed so you can spend your time teaching mathematics, not software.
  • You can quickly and easily generate teaching aids such as worksheets, tests, reports, and presentations with accurately measured figures by exporting Sketchpad files to word-processing programs and spreadsheets, other drawing programs, and the Internet.