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Research & Analysis Software

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IBM SPSS Amos 29 結構方程模式軟體


IBM SPSS Amos統計分析軟體,採用直觀的拖放功能,建立結構方程模組,比標準的多變量統計模型更加準確。


IBM SPSS Amos (Amos) 讓您能夠輕鬆地執行結構方程模型(SEM)。 利用SEM,您可以快速建立模型來驗證假設,並確認觀察值和潛在變數之間的關係 – 相較於迴歸分析可獲得額外的洞察力。


IBM SPSS Amos是針對各種研究用途的完美建模工具,包括:

 IBM SPSS Amos是針對各種研究用途的完美建模工具,包括:

  • 心理學 - 利用建模以了解藥物、臨床、藝術療法如何影響情緒。
  • 醫療保健研究 - 驗證信任、儲蓄與研究這三個變數-那一個變數為預測"醫生對非專利用藥支持度"的最佳因素。
  • 社會科學 - 研究社會經濟地位、組織成員以及其他因素,如何影響投票行為和政治參與的差異。
  • 教育研究 - 評估教育訓練方案結果對教學成效的影響。
  • 市場調查 - 消費者行為模式如何影響新產品的銷售或分析客 戶滿意度和品牌忠誠度。
  • 公共團體的研究 - 研究與工作有關的議題會如何影響工作滿意度。
  • 商業規劃 - 建立計量經濟與金融模型和分析工作場所之工作實現的影響因素。
  • 計劃評估 - 利用SEM評估程序的結果或行為模型去取代傳統的逐步迴歸。

Amos為一功能強大且使用簡單的結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling)軟體,它能幫助您建立更實際可行的模型比您僅單獨使用標準多變量統計或是多元迴歸模型來的有效與確實。使用Amos您可用一直覺性的路 徑圖表來展示變數間的假設關係並明確說明、估計與呈現您的模型,藉此您可比以往更迅速完成所要目的與工作。



IBM SPSS Statistics V29 can help you:

  • Analyze your data with new and advanced statistics:
    • The Advanced Statistics module offers a variety of new features within GENLINMIXED and GLM/UNIANOVA methods.
    • Supports Bayesian inference, which is a method of statistical inference.
  • Integrate better with third-party applications:
    • Stronger integration with Microsoft Office
  • Save time and effort with productivity enhancements:
    • Chartbuilder enhancements for building more attractive and modern- looking charts
    • New ground breaking features with SPSS Amos V29
    • Data and syntax editor enhancements
    • Accessibility improvements for the visually impaired
    • Updated merge user interface
    • Simplified toolbars
    • Licensing improvements

Using IBM SPSS Statistics, you can:

  • Quickly understand large and complex data sets using advanced statistical procedures, ensuring high accuracy to drive quality decision-making.
  • Reveal deeper insights and provide better confidence intervals with visualizations and geographic spatial analysis.
  • Process and deploy analytics faster with flexible deployment options.
  • Build a predictive enterprise, making the business more agile and maximizing return on investment.

SPSS Statistics Server V29 is available for organizations that want to execute SPSS Statistics with great speed or in a high demand environment.

All of the capabilities described for SPSS Statistics V29 are applicable to SPSS Statistics Desktop and SPSS Statistics Server.

IBM SPSS Statistics V29 continues to offer advanced analytics through improved access to programming extensions, smarter data management, and enhanced productivity. New features of IBM SPSS Statistics V24 release include the following:

  • SPSS statistics extensions: A new extensions hub to explore, install, and update extensions
  • Smarter data management: Redesigned experience for importing and exporting most popular file types
  • Improved productivity

Program Number
  • IBM SPSS Amos V29.0

IBM SPSS Statistics is a leading statistical software offering used to solve business and research problems by means of ad hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis, and predictive analytics.

Highlights of IBM SPSS Statistics V25 include:

  • Ability to analyze data with new and advanced statistics
  • Stronger integration with third-party applications
  • Enhanced productivity

Highlights of IBM SPSS Statistics V24 include:

  • SPSS Statistics Extensions give you a new way to access and work with open source and third-party programming extensions:
    • SPSS Statistics Extensions Hub is a new interface to manage extensions. It provides an online store-like experience.
    • With SPSS Statistics Custom Dialog Builder for Extensions, it is now easier than ever to create and share extensions based on R/Python and SPSS Syntax for your customized needs.
  • A redesigned experience while importing and exporting the most popular file types enables smarter data management.
  • Many enhancements to the SPSS Custom Tables module offer improved productivity.

Additional information

Short Title: IBM SPSS Amos V29.0
Offering Type: Software
Offering Subtype: Program Product
Content Revision Date: 20180412
Document Identifier: 000000332852
Brand Codes: BMD20
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